
Orchestra Note Trainer:

Pitch identification practice using musictheory.net.  Begins with three pitches and gradually adds more.  Alternates between untimed and one-minute challenge modes.


Band Note Trainer:

Pitch identification practice using musictheory.net.  Begins with three pitches and gradually adds more.  Alternates between untimed and one-minute challenge modes.

Clarinet Helper:

Reinforces low notes and their corresponding notes above the break.

Chromatic Scale Videos

Students can practice the one-octave chromatic scale along with a video that shows the note, name, and fingering for each pitch.  Videos are in three levels and gradually increase in tempo.

Chromatic Scale Visuals

These visuals break down the one-octave chromatic scale into five manageable parts for classroom instruction.  Depending on your situation, it may work well to have students learn one part per week.  As they learn the various parts, students can string them together by practicing the corresponding numbered notes at the bottom.

Play-a-longs for EE Band:

Accompaniment tracks that go along with select numbers from book 1.